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Over the counter comparable to xanax. I have a great affinity to this kind of medication and have found it helpful when I have suffered anxiety attacks. I've been on it for three weekst hectic months. After one period I would feel very sad, depressed, anxious, withdrawn and on the verge of tears. I'd just think that everything was going to come crashing down on me. Now I don't have any of those feelings and can actually enjoy living life to the fullest for once. I'd recommend it to anyone who suffers from depression. It's my favorite prescription medication ever. anon155571 Post 14 Great post. I was a little skeptical at first about trying benzodiazepines, but they worked amazingly well. I'm a long time user and I love it. feel that my depression feels much better when I take it. anon155570 Post 13 I am a recovering alcoholic, who has suffered for many years from severe depression. Recently I tried taking Zofran on my self and found it very helpful. After three weeks a very significant difference in mood appeared between Zofran and the antidepressant benzodiazepine combination of Cipramil and Xanax. I feel a great degree of freedom, excitement, joy and contentment. After generic pharmacy official website two weeks it started affecting my drinking and other areas of my life. Very quickly I was a Zofran user. anon155492 Post 12 Benzodiazepine addiction is an epidemic and a huge problem. Most of our drug laws are designed to protect people who want stay on a certain drug who are prescribed and to whom the government does not want them to stop. Benzodiazepines are widely used as "legal highs", but are they really legal highs. I have been using this same drug, benzos, for many years but have never been addicted. anon150961 Post 11 The whole thing has best over the counter xanax become so out of control with the media demonizing this drug that the government is now taking action and making the drug illegal in US. fact that they are doing this in a country that has strict drug control laws will no doubt send shock waves through the internet community, which is already getting extremely out of hand. I know many people have used it and not become addicted. I do have all the answers, either. This article sums up how most of us feel: "the risks a bad high can outweigh the risks of overdosing on benzos..." anon150944 Post 10 Well, I just want to say that I'm an avid user. I have been using this drug for the past 2.5 years since I am 24 old. anon150922 Post 9 I have been on benzodiazepine for the past four years and I am currently on them at the recommendation of a doctor who had prescribed it to me for a minor problem in which I drank too much and became inebriated. I am now at the point where my doctors wants me to try get more tranquilizers. I'm a 20-year-old student so I don't believe that any benzos should be approved in the US. Even at my age, I've never become dependent on them yet. I also don't think that they should be prescribed to young people because even though they have never had any kind of bad side effects, they are still growing. A lot over the counter like xanax of them do it because they have no other alternative like me. I'm an introvert and I would Tramadol overnight usps like to be able stop the drugs for foreseeable future. I don't feel good that more and people are using the drugs, especially as they can be potentially dangerous. anon148992 Post 8 i have benzo addiction and am trying to be honest people on this topic. I'm only 30 and i have been going off benzos for a pretty long time. I know that I'm not in serious trouble either way but this is another example I found that other people like to share so it is okay for me. I have been doing it since I was in High School, before I was an adult. used them to ease the pain during a tough job, and later in life, when I had trouble with my career. I have never had any of the problems people around me described. I'm extremely lucky, because I don't live with any negative influences, yet i don't take them lightly either. I feel normal and happy when i use them. A little while ago in April I started on Zoloft (Zoloft 200mg) to help calm me down but it didn't really help at all. A few days ago I tried to start it on zafirl (Zoloft 40mg), to help me calm down, myself down again, but I didn't get a good mood at all. So I decided to try on Cipramil, and in the middle of night i ended up.

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.

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